Examples of timbers affected by woodworm infestation
Examples of timbers affected by woodworm infestation

Woodworm Infestation
Woodworm Infestation
If left untreated, an active woodworm infestation can result in irreparable damage to the properties timbers. The most common species of woodworm we find in the UK are as follows:
House Longhorn - Dark brown in colour, is one of the larger species of wood bearing beetle and most commonly found in the home. As it is larger, it creates large, noticeable bore holes up to 10mm wide usually in the surface of the wood, commonly furniture and beams.
Common furniture beetle - Green / brown in colour with oval bodies, can measure up to 4.5mm in length. leaes extensive boreholes that typically go with the grain of the wood.
Wood weevil - Another woodboring beetle commonly found in the home preferring decaying wood products affected by a fungal infestation. Brown and black in colour with a long snout, up to 5mm long.
Deathwatch beetle - Brown in colour with a furry textrue measuring up to 7mm long, commonly lay eggs in dark crevises and prefers rotting hardwoods. The deathwatch beetle is an extensive wood borer and leaves behind a lot of excessive frass which is easily spotted uponinspection.
Ambrosia beetle - A long and narrow beetle with a light brown colouring, often found in fresh cut logs and newly fallen trees. More often found in the forsest but can cause excessive damage to timbers to that are to be used for construction purposes.
Powder post beetle - Named for the powder like frass it leaves behind from its extensive maze of tunnels. Despite being small, this beetle can wreak havoc in infested timbers.
Wharf Borer - Orange / brown in colour commonly found in rotting timbers, leaving behind frass that resembles soil. Most commonly found in buildings close to a water source, hence the name but have also been found in properties that have suffered from extensive damp issues. Bore holes left by the wharf borer can be up to 8mm wide.
Infestation from any species of woodworm may cause extensive damage to the timbers and may result in the timbers needing replaced completely if left untreated.
Although infestation is more likely to spread rapidly in wet wood or timber that is partially decayed, there is no lower limit of moisture level that keeps timbers free from infestation by wood boring insects. During the months of April to September is when wood boring insects become most active and are more commonly noticed. Homes more commonly at risk are those near a water source such as the coast or lake / riverside as the moisture content of the home is typically higher.
Treatment of Woodworm Infestation
We use highest quality products for all of our Timber treatments supplied by nationwide brands. Treatment involves using chemicals to treat and prevent the infestation. In extreme circumstances it may be the case that timbers need to be fully replaced.
All of our timber treatment work comes with an insurance backed guarantee.
If you are concerned about woodworm infestation in your property, please get in touch via our contact us feature for advice or to arrange a free site visit an inspection.